Who We Are?

Welcome to biblesignals.com the voice of the one crying on the internet.

This website is established to speak for God in our age where people have found alternatives to God in technology, pleasure, and other self adopted idols.

Biblesignals.com will speak to both Christians and non-Christians; to remind the former of what Christ expects of them, and of the dire need for them to be a true light to the world.

It will speak to non-Christians to tell them of the urgent need to turn to God and escape for their lives, for the world is passing away and all its lusts thereof.


Our main aim is to:

  1. Tell about the relevancy of the Bible to our world.
  2. Show the true way of salvation, peace, joy, and prosperity, the God’s way.
  3. Provide deep spiritual answers and guide to crucial questions and issues of life.
  4. Provide comfort, peace, and encouragement to weary, troubled, and confused people through soul lifting articles.
  5. Clear misconception, confusion and doubts coming through ignorance and false teaching, and expose lies of the devil by the authority and the truth of the word of God.
  6. Draw people closer to God to tap into divine sources.


To accomplish the above, we shall vigorously pursue the following:

  1. Carry out extensive research into the Bible and other available sources of authority before publishing articles.
  2. Publish well detailed, easy to understand articles that targeted audiences can easily digest.
  3. Publish articles at regular intervals to provide solutions to issues affecting people around the world.
  4. Seek the face of God continually to make our articles beneficial to readers, as we know that the letter kills, but the spirit gives life.
  5. We will seek to collect prayer requests from visitors and join them in prayers for God to intervene in their situations.

The zeal of the Lord shall do it, and make this website to be a great blessing to everyone who comes in contact with it. Amen.


Nelson Temitope Olawumi is a passionate Christian blogger who loves to be referred to as the voice of the one crying on the internet (remember John the Baptist of old).

He is a born again Christian residing in Lagos, Nigeria and a church minister in the Redeemed Christian Church of God headquartered in Lagos but with branches in over 122 nations of the world.

He serves as a pastor, teacher, and counselor in his local church, and also have over 10 years experience of writing for the web.

His area of belief include the following: The Bible, repentance, water baptism, justification, baptism of the Holy Spirit, Trinity, divine healing, holy matrimony, tithes and offerings, holy Communion, naming and dedication of children, the Lord’s day, resurrection, second coming of Christ, tribulation period, the millennial reign, eternal life, eternal damnation, among others.

He believes that Jesus was born into this world as man, lived and died to take away the sins of the world.

He believes he rose from the dead the third day, and is now sitting on the right side of the throne of God interceding for us. All glory be unto his name.

While not claiming to be the sole authority in the knowledge of Christ and in the word of God, this website has come to join other Christian blogs to shine the light of Christ into our world of sin and unrighteousness.

You may not agree with all what you will read here, for we know that religious topics are prone to different opinions and interpretations.

Be rest assured that everything published here is based on the revealed word of God.

Whatever your opinion is about any article you read in this website, please feel free to send your comments, questions, or your criticism through our contact page.

God bless you.